


表里如1 biao li ru yi 1.Deeds accord with words. 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供。


可以用 Have 2 faces还可以具体点think in one way and behave in another希望你能满意!。

3、1.2012年4月份值班表,如何翻译成英文? 2.值班表里的时间,翻译成什么单词好 ?

1. The Duty timetable of April 2012 2. The time on the timetable 3. On the weekend, no matter if you are working or not, you can come to my office. There's only me, who's still at work 4. When nighttime, as well.。

4、表里不1的英语翻译 表里不1用英语怎么说

表里不1speak and act in one way but actually aim at sth. quite different;have two faces;The outside and the inside are not in agreement.;think in one way and behave in another更多释义>>[网络短语]表里不1 Duplicity;Thinks;Inconsistency信仰的表里不1 inconsistencies of belief表里不1的人 a douBle dealer 。


这人表里不1。 This man isn't what he appears. 可以相应的套用。


1.speak and act in one way but actually aim at sth. quite different; 2.have two faces; 3.The outside and the inside are not in agreement.; 4.think in one way and behave in another。