上海一日游 英语作文 100字,寒假去西安旅游英语作文100字

上海1日游 英语作文 100字

1、上海1日游 英语作文 100字

The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient. True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender twigs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere. Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year. 公园1日 有1天,我到公园去,无意中在1个不起眼的角落看见樱花盛开,就像我曾在我的母校--西安交通大学--看过的那种粉红色的花1样。我不禁1喜,心头涌上1股似曾相识的感觉。就在这时,我不由自主地感叹人生就像樱花1样美丽而又短暂。 果不出所料,下午再跑到公园,只剩嫩枝了。花厚厚的落了1地,好像春风也很伤感,不忍把它们吹散,任其撒落在地。 幸好外边的世界很美丽。雪白的梨花在闪闪有光,就像你那心花怒放的脸庞1样。玫瑰、牡丹静静地争芳吐艳。春天真是1年中最好的季节。



Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to xian by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“liu,mei, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy。

上海1日游 英语作文 100字

3、上海1日游 英语作文 100字

The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient. True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender twigs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere. Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year. 公园1日 有1天,我到公园去,无意中在1个不起眼的角落看见樱花盛开,就像我曾在我的母校——西安交通大学——看过的那种粉红色的花1样。我不禁1喜,心头涌上1股似曾相识的感觉。就在这时,我不由自主地感叹人生就像樱花1样美丽而又短暂。 果不出所料,下午再跑到公园,只剩嫩枝了。花厚厚的落了1地,好像春风也很伤感,不忍把它们吹散,任其撒落在地。 幸好外边的世界很美丽。雪白的梨花在闪闪有光,就像你那心花怒放的脸庞1样。玫瑰、牡丹静静地争芳吐艳。春天真是1年中最好的季节。

关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词

4、关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词

I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year. We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much. Xi'an is a great city, it has long history and great views. We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers. I also saw the great ancient soldiers, and a lot of wonderful things. Xi'an also has clean and wide streets, high buildings and a lot of good food. I love the noodles! Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it. I also saw many foreign visitors, they' were all very interested in Xi'an. I was so proud about xi'an, and our great country.。



共迎世园盛会 Meet the garden event of 那是谁的妙笔,在漫山遍野浓密的深绿中,点缀了如此的不平凡? Who is that, een in the dark green, ma dense ornament so extraordinary? 那是谁的奇思,在轻柔和缓的春风中,吹响了1曲动人的歌谣? Who is that's thoughts in the gentle breeze gently in a song, but the songs of moving? 那是谁的巧手,偷偷将无上的美景,搬到了这里? Who is that a dab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here? 大家应该知道我说的是什么了吧? Everyone should know what I mean? 当然是世园会了。 Of course is the expo. 2011,华夏源脉、千年帝都、丝路起点、秦俑故乡——中国西安将聚焦世界的目光,这是继1999年昆明、2006年沈阳之后,世界园艺博览会第3次来到中国,将在西安浐灞生态区盛大开幕! 2011, huaxia source veins, millennium royal park, the silk road starting point, conscientiousness and hometown - xian, China will focus on the world's eyes, this is following the 1999 kunming, 2006 shenyang international horticultural exposition, after the third came to China in xian, grand opening! Ba action hrowing-seedling 2011西安世界园艺博览会会徽2011西安世界园艺博览会属A2+B1级别的国际性园艺博览会,园区占地418公顷,其中水域面积188公顷。 2011 xian world horticultural exposition emblem of xian 2011 world horticultural exposition A2 + B1 level of international horticultural exposition, the park covers an area of 418 hectares, including the waters area 188 hectares. 总投资20亿元,会期178天,将有100多个国内外城市和机构参展,参观人数1200万人次。 Total investment is 20 million yuan, window, will have 100 178 days many domestic and foreign cities and institutions in the exhibition, visitors number 12 million. 2011西安世界园艺博览会以生态文明为引领,以”天人长安,创意自然”为主题,将营造以植物为主体的自然景观,构建世界化的园林建筑背景,彰显西安历史文化和地域特色韵味,展示人类与自然,城市与自然和谐共生的新理念和新创意,探索人、城市、园林、自然和谐共生的未来发展模式。 2011 world horticultural exposition in xian to ecological civilization, "heaven enterprise lead creative nature" as the theme, plants, creating natural landscape, as the main body of the construction of the garden architecture hascontributed to historical and cultural background, reveal xian and region characteristic lasting appeal, human and nature, showing the harmonious coexistence of city and nature new ideas and new ideas, explore people, city, gardens, natural harmonious coexistence of future development mode. 西安世园会会址广运潭,位于史称“灞上”的浐灞之滨,是我国古代主要港口之1。 Xian expo site, located in wide shipped pool on Ba history said that "the coast of Ba action", is one of the Chinese ancient main ports. 盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发 达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。 Tang tianbao years, emperor xuanzong worked in this held large-scale water transportation expo and commodities fair, show the hair of the tang dynasty and water transport of trade of the world exposition unblocked, then start. 全世界人民给了西安这个机会,西安将会还给世界1个奇迹,让全世界知道,西安是1条沉睡的巨龙,当他醒来时必将震惊全世界。 People around the world the opportunity to xian xian, will back to one of the world's wonders, let the world know, xian is a sleeping dragon, when he woke up will shock the world. 下面我来介绍1下西安世园会的特色。 Below I introduce expo features of xian. 说起西安世园会的标志性建筑,那就是天人长安塔、创意自然馆、温室和主大门,其中天人长安塔更彰显出了古城西安独有的特色。 Speaking of xian the landmark buildings, the expo is heaven changan tower, creative natural hall, greenhouse and main gate tower, including more reflect nature enterprise the ancient city xian unique characteristics. 天人长安塔保持了隋唐时期方形古塔的神韵,同时增加了现代元素,古今结合、交相辉映。 Harmony maintained the sui and tang dynasties of changan tower square pagodas verve, but also increase the modern elements, a successful combination, hand in photograph reflect. 塔总高95米,共有14层,地上13层,地下有1层地宫; 95 meters, total high tower, the ground 13 14 layer a layer, layer underground dungeons; 塔的顶层将建成空中花园,花卉将适时进行更替。 The top of the tower will be built sky garden flowers will timely replaced. 天人长安塔采用钢结构框架,屋顶和所有挑檐都采用透明的安全玻璃,墙体也采用玻璃幕墙,建成后将构成水晶塔的效果,充满了现代感,是可以俯瞰园区的最佳景点,也是当代人对塔的理解和演绎。 Heaven changan tower adopts steel structure framework, roof and all pick eaves all use transparent safety glass, wall also USES glass curtain wall, is completed, it will constitute cyrstal effect, full of contemporary feeling, is the best attractions overlooking the park, but also the understanding of contemporary tower. And deductive 总体结构为“两环、两轴、5组团”。 Overall structure for "two ring, two axis, five groups". 其中,“两环”分为主环和次环。 Among them, the "two ring" points primarily ring and times rings. 主环为核心展区,主要分布有室外展园和园艺景点; Main ring as the core area, the main distribution has outdoor ZhanYuan and gardening spots; 次环为扩展区,布置世园村、管理中心等服务配套设施。 Times for spreading area, decorate ring the garden village, management center, service facilities. “两轴”是指园区内的两条景观轴线,南北为主轴,东西为次轴。 "Two axis" refers to the two landscape axis in the park, the north-south axis, thing for times for shaft. “5组团”分别为长安园、创意园、5洲园、科技园和体验园。 "Five groups" for changan park, respectively creative park, wuzhou garden, science and technology park and experience park. 主要建筑有长安塔、创意馆、自然馆和广运门; The main building has changan tower, creative hall, natural hall MRT and wide door; 5大主题园艺景点分别是长安花谷、5彩终南、丝路花雨、海外大观和灞上彩虹; Five themes gardening attractions respectively is enterprise, colorful flowers ZhongNa, along the valley HuaYu, overseas grand and Ba on rainbow; 3处特色服务区分别是灞上人家、椰风水岸和欧陆风情。 Three places respectively Ba characteristic service on somebody else, is YeFeng waterfront and European feelings. 距世园会开园已经不到2个月的时间了,我早已按捺不住激动的心情,世园会让这座千年古城进入崭新的1页,我在此真心祝愿西安世园会成为最吸引人的盛会,同时也祝愿我们的古城西安再创辉煌! Distance hailida international expo has been less than 2 months time, I already can't restrain excited mood, giving this millennium ancient expo into a new page, I hereby sincerely wish to become the most attractive expo in xian event, also wish our city xian create splendid future!



共迎世园盛会 Meet the garden event of 那是谁的妙笔,在漫山遍野浓密的深绿中,点缀了如此的不平凡? Who is that, een in the dark green, ma dense ornament so extraordinary? 那是谁的奇思,在轻柔和缓的春风中,吹响了1曲动人的歌谣? Who is that's thoughts in the gentle breeze gently in a song, but the songs of moving? 那是谁的巧手,偷偷将无上的美景,搬到了这里? Who is that a dab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here? 大家应该知道我说的是什么了吧? Everyone should know what I mean? 当然是世园会了。 Of course is the expo. 2011,华夏源脉、千年帝都、丝路起点、秦俑故乡--中国西安将聚焦世界的目光,这是继1999年昆明、2006年沈阳之后,世界园艺博览会第3次来到中国,将在西安浐灞生态区盛大开幕! 2011, huaxia source veins, millennium royal park, the silk road starting point, conscientiousness and hometown - xian, China will focus on the world's eyes, this is following the 1999 kunming, 2006 shenyang international horticultural exposition, after the third came to China in xian, grand opening! Ba action hrowing-seedling 2011西安世界园艺博览会会徽2011西安世界园艺博览会属A2+B1级别的国际性园艺博览会,园区占地418公顷,其中水域面积188公顷。 2011 xian world horticultural exposition emblem of xian 2011 world horticultural exposition A2 + B1 level of international horticultural exposition, the park covers an area of 418 hectares, including the waters area 188 hectares. 总投资20亿元,会期178天,将有100多个国内外城市和机构参展,参观人数1200万人次。 Total investment is 20 million yuan, window, will have 100 178 days many domestic and foreign cities and institutions in the exhibition, visitors number 12 million. 2011西安世界园艺博览会以生态文明为引领,以”天人长安,创意自然”为主题,将营造以植物为主体的自然景观,构建世界化的园林建筑背景,彰显西安历史文化和地域特色韵味,展示人类与自然,城市与自然和谐共生的新理念和新创意,探索人、城市、园林、自然和谐共生的未来发展模式。 2011 world horticultural exposition in xian to ecological civilization, "heaven enterprise lead creative nature" as the theme, plants, creating natural landscape, as the main body of the construction of the garden architecture hascontributed to historical and cultural background, reveal xian and region characteristic lasting appeal, human and nature, showing the harmonious coexistence of city and nature new ideas and new ideas, explore people, city, gardens, natural harmonious coexistence of future development mode. 西安世园会会址广运潭,位于史称“灞上”的浐灞之滨,是我国古代主要港口之1。 Xian expo site, located in wide shipped pool on Ba history said that "the coast of Ba action", is one of the Chinese ancient main ports. 盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发 达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。 Tang tianbao years, emperor xuanzong worked in this held large-scale water transportation expo and commodities fair, show the hair of the tang dynasty and water transport of trade of the world exposition unblocked, then start. 全世界人民给了西安这个机会,西安将会还给世界1个奇迹,让全世界知道,西安是1条沉睡的巨龙,当他醒来时必将震惊全世界。 People around the world the opportunity to xian xian, will back to one of the world's wonders, let the world know, xian is a sleeping dragon, when he woke up will shock the world. 下面我来介绍1下西安世园会的特色。 Below I introduce expo features of xian. 说起西安世园会的标志性建筑,那就是天人长安塔、创意自然馆、温室和主大门,其中天人长安塔更彰显出了古城西安独有的特色。 Speaking of xian the landmark buildings, the expo is heaven changan tower, creative natural hall, greenhouse and main gate tower, including more reflect nature enterprise the ancient city xian unique characteristics. 天人长安塔保持了隋唐时期方形古塔的神韵,同时增加了现代元素,古今结合、交相辉映。 Harmony maintained the sui and tang dynasties of changan tower square pagodas verve, but also increase the modern elements, a successful combination, hand in photograph reflect. 塔总高95米,共有14层,地上13层,地下有1层地宫; 95 meters, total high tower, the ground 13 14 layer a layer, layer underground dungeons; 塔的顶层将建成空中花园,花卉将适时进行更替。 The top of the tower will be built sky garden flowers will timely replaced. 天人长安塔采用钢结构框架,屋顶和所有挑檐都采用透明的安全玻璃,墙体也采用玻璃幕墙,建成后将构成水晶塔的效果,充满了现代感,是可以俯瞰园区的最佳景点,也是当代人对塔的理解和演绎。 Heaven changan tower adopts steel structure framework, roof and all pick eaves all use transparent safety glass, wall also USES glass curtain wall, is completed, it will constitute cyrstal effect, full of contemporary feeling, is the best attractions overlooking the park, but also the understanding of contemporary tower. And deductive 总体结构为“两环、两轴、5组团”。 Overall structure for "two ring, two axis, five groups". 其中,“两环”分为主环和次环。 Among them, the "two ring" points primarily ring and times rings. 主环为核心展区,主要分布有室外展园和园艺景点; Main ring as the core area, the main distribution has outdoor ZhanYuan and gardening spots; 次环为扩展区,布置世园村、管理中心等服务配套设施。 Times for spreading area, decorate ring the garden village, management center, service facilities. “两轴”是指园区内的两条景观轴线,南北为主轴,东西为次轴。 "Two axis" refers to the two landscape axis in the park, the north-south axis, thing for times for shaft. “5组团”分别为长安园、创意园、5洲园、科技园和体验园。 "Five groups" for changan park, respectively creative park, wuzhou garden, science and technology park and experience park. 主要建筑有长安塔、创意馆、自然馆和广运门; The main building has changan tower, creative hall, natural hall MRT and wide door; 5大主题园艺景点分别是长安花谷、5彩终南、丝路花雨、海外大观和灞上彩虹; Five themes gardening attractions respectively is enterprise, colorful flowers ZhongNa, along the valley HuaYu, overseas grand and Ba on rainbow; 3处特色服务区分别是灞上人家、椰风水岸和欧陆风情。 Three places respectively Ba characteristic service on somebody else, is YeFeng waterfront and European feelings. 距世园会开园已经不到2个月的时间了,我早已按捺不住激动的心情,世园会让这座千年古城进入崭新的1页,我在此真心祝愿西安世园会成为最吸引人的盛会,同时也祝愿我们的古城西安再创辉煌! Distance hailida international expo has been less than 2 months time, I already can't restrain excited mood, giving this millennium ancient expo into a new page, I hereby sincerely wish to become the most attractive expo in xian event, also wish our city xian create splendid future!
