I like travel very much. I often go to travel. It meets a lot of people when traveling. It can touch not only the person but also the region. Therefore, it es to want to go even times how many. I was traveling and all the people met had a very warm mind. It was very kind. There is a person who taught variety of land, too. I do not think meeting with o another degrees in the person. However, I do not think that I fet. Because, The reason is that there are a lot of very good memories. Therefore, travel is not stopped. It went to not only the country but also foreign countries. The munication of the intention can have been done with the person in the country though the word did not run well. However, I thought that the handicap of the word was large. I thought it was good if the word could be understood more many times. Therefore, I think that I should study the language study more. It can meet the one different according to the land when traveling. The tourist spot is, and there is a lot of one not so either. There are a lot of very good points of the place taught to the person in local. Therefore, it is always made to speak. I have not traveled still alone. I want to go out to travel alone sometimes. How about you? Traveling with someone is also good. However, I yearn to the solitary journey very much. It is not, and yearns for the destination to free travel. I want to go out to unrestrained travel some time. Finally, I yearn to the solitary journey. However, I do not hate tour travel. I think that there is a merit also in the tour. I think that traveling with the person who does not know also has the enjoyment. However, I like independent tour more. Which do you like? 暑假游华山 今年暑假,我和爸爸妈妈1起去西安,洛阳旅游。参观了秦始皇兵马俑,开封府,游览了华清池,嵩山少林寺,还攀登了华山。 “自古华山1条路”,说得华山险。大客车把载到山脚下,就得换坐小型中巴车上山。山路蜿蜒曲折,1边是壁立山崖,1边是看不见底深渊,汽车稍有不慎,就会坠入深渊。1路上,我都紧紧攥住妈妈手,把心提到了嗓子口。幸好开车叔叔驾驶技术好,把平安送到了索道站。 坐上了缆车,缆车把带到了半空中。导游阿姨说:“这是亚洲最长1条索道,上下落差高达750米。”我大着胆子向下看,下面是万丈深渊,当年“杨志荣智取华山”那1条小道就像是1条游蛇。我又环视4周,仰望上面,仿佛华山上覆盖着积雪,华山上最多不是树木,而是白色 *** 陡峭山崖。 缆车把送到了半山腰。爬山就开始了。导游阿姨说:“华山有东,西,南,北,中5个主峰,其中北峰最低,西峰最高最美,传说沉香劈山救母故事就发生在西峰。”我连忙说:“爸爸,爬西峰。”爸爸说:“好啊!只要儿子肯攀登,老爸1定奉陪到底。” 1家人整装出发。脚踩石梯,手攀铁链,爬过了连绵起伏5云峰,爬过了险象环生龟背石,来到了苍龙岭。苍龙岭就像龙脊背,1条极其陡峭石梯向上延伸,石梯两旁则是云雾缭绕悬崖,1看保管你吓得腿肚子发抖。妈妈爬了没几级,就打退堂鼓了。我和爸爸则是知难而进。我攀着铁链,像狗1样伏在石梯上,眼望着高高西峰,1步1步踩实石阶,1步1步前进,心里只有念头:1定要爬上西峰,1定要征服华山!也不知爬了多少,也不知流了多少汗水,终于闯过了鬼门关——苍龙岭。我和爸爸稍作休息,就1鼓作气爬上了西峰。 华山西峰太美了!我来到了云上面,登山途中那些面目狰狞山峰全成了云雾缭绕矮子,阵阵清风吹来,真叫人感到心旷神怡,爸爸说:“无限风光在险峰嘛!”我说:“不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。” 暑假旅游不但让我开阔了眼界,增长了见识,而且锻炼了我意志。我爱旅游。 暑假的游玩沙发回目录 2016-06-27 19:43 | 作者:范文1 每年暑假,爸爸妈妈总要带我去游玩,今年我来到海口1下班车,我1下子被海口的风景迷住了,两边花草繁茂,高大的椰子树像卫兵1样排列在街道两旁,好像在迎接来自5湖4海的游客。 第2天,我们就去了假日海滩,我终于看到了1望无垠的大海,海水呈现在我们眼前的有3种颜色。远处海天相接的地方是厚重的深蓝色,近点是淡些的湛蓝色,而我们脚下的就是清澈见底的浅蓝色了。 我奔跑在软绵绵的沙滩上,让细沙抚摸我的脚丫,我在海滩上尽情地嬉戏,海浪1个接着1个向我们涌来,沙滩上留下了1条条美丽的波浪线,沙子被带走了,却留下5颜6色的贝壳,我争着捡着,任欢快的笑声在海风中回荡。 捡完了贝壳,我们便来到了海滩上,只见椰子树把整个岛都占领了,每棵都高大无比,直插云霄,树上还结了许多椰子。最吸引人的还是导弹树,它是椰树的1种,只不过树干长的两头小,中间粗,活像1棵导弹。 我们在海滩上转了1圈,开始返回码头,我突然看见海边岩石上的几只小蟹,兴奋不已,冲到海里便是猛抓。可青蟹跑得如此之快,可让我吃了点苦头,但我们怎么也没想到,我们获得了比青蟹更好的东西。事情是这样的:正当我在苦苦搜寻青蟹时,我又现了1个神秘的5角星,5条触须蠕动着,好像很难看,“啊!是海星!”我大叫,立刻把它“捉拿归案”。果然是块风水宝地,有海星、有青蟹,哇!1只小海胆,只见像毛栗1样的东西在爸爸手中挥舞着小刺,之后“呀呀”声此起彼伏,我们几个小孩拿着这些令人眼睛1亮的生物,心满意足地离开了假日海滩。 美丽的海口我收获了很多! 暑假旅行记板凳回目录 2016-06-27 19:45 | 作者:范文2 今天下午是我们在西安的最后1天,我们要坐1个半小时的飞机到丽江。我们下午爸爸的1个西安的朋友(我的叔叔)邀请我们吃饭给我们送行,我们下午叔叔的司机过来接我们了!那里是吃火锅还有很多我们3个爱吃的菜呢,可是嘉嘉哥哥由于今天中午看电脑所以先睡上1会会再吃! 我和弟弟没有管他反而是抢着菜大口大口的吃了起来!“如果再不吃就没有了!”弟弟说,“你爱吃的食物都被我们吃光光了。”我又说。算了,懒得管他!我们两个继续吃了起来!!1会肚子都快要撑破了小学生作文作文人网你也可以投稿,我们1起玩各自爸爸的手机想故意把他弄起来。我和弟弟说:“他不是最喜欢玩地铁跑酷和天天飞车吗?我们用这个办法……”“好呀!”弟弟开心的说道。真的耶哥哥果然1会儿就醒了!我们吃到10:33分就回宾馆了。 我回去就刷完牙洗完脸来收拾行李,爸爸洗完澡出来后看见所有的洗刷物品都不见了!我就告诉爸爸都收拾进去了,我换上睡衣摘下大肚佛、摘下发卡、散开辫子就1下子扑到枕头上呼呼的睡着了!我还在美美的做梦时听见有人叫我,我不耐烦的起来刷牙洗脸穿衣服……那个司机把我们送到机场我们换上登机牌做完安检……我们在那里等了20分钟广播就叫到我们了,我们检完票就去座位上我们是在最后1排呀!哥哥和弟弟在我们后面我和他们俩飞机1起动我们就睡起大觉。要吃午饭的时候我爸爸叫我们起来了,我们今天吃的是西红柿蛋炒饭还有1个大盒子,不用10分钟我就刷刷刷的吃完了! 我们终于要下飞机了,我们领完行李两辆车就来接我们。我们到了美丽的丽江、玉龙雪山、茶马古道……同学们下面还有有趣的事情哦! 暑假去旅游#3楼回目录 2016-06-27 19:47 | 作者:范文3 今天是星期6,我和爸爸妈妈去旅行。这次是爸爸他们的公司组织的活动,我们的目的地是金海湾,它坐落于美丽的西冲。 我们马上就道了芽山村,把行李搬上去了,准备住在这里。本来我们要去海里游泳,可是下雨了,去不成了,可是不1会儿,雨停了,我们就马上去游泳了。 我们到了沙滩后,导游说:“各位,今天浪非常大,请不要到深的地方去。“说完后,我们就下车了。我听了导游的话,坐在沙滩上“寻宝”。在这个活动进行的时候,我爸爸他们都1直帮助我找完好的贝壳。忽然1个大浪,我来不及躲避,全身都是海水,但是我感觉我摸到了1个东西,我把它拿给爸爸看,爸爸说,这是珊瑚的化石。我不敢相信自己的眼睛,眼前这白色的小洞洞又多的东西是珊瑚的化石。 我们还抓了很多跳跳鱼和螃蟹。晚上,我们吃完饭后,就回芽山村了。 第2天,我们要去乘快艇,必须到沙滩的对面金海湾。我们到了金海湾后,租了快艇,乘上快艇后,1个叔叔说:“现在要洒鱼网了!捉到的送给你们。”我胆小地说:“别抓到鲨鱼就好……大家听了这话笑了起来。 过了很久,我们离吃饭的地方不远了。忽然1个大浪,我们的快艇从很高很高的地方掉下来,我1声尖叫,害的爸爸把水瓶掉下去了。这时,我看到了1艘轮船,它在无边无际、蓝蓝的大海上。 终于到了吃饭的地方,我问爸爸这是哪里,爸爸说:“这里是山门岛,这个水池里有几只老龟,它们非常饿,你又靠它们那么近,令它们十分十分饥饿呀!”我回头1看,看到了3只丑陋的老龟,大概有几千岁了,因为它们看上去很老。我喂了老龟1块肉,就去吃饭了。 我们吃完饭,就去玩了,我们还去了很多地方,也很美。第3天,我们念念不舍地回家了。 暑假游东平#4楼回目录 2016-06-27 19:48 | 作者:范文4 暑假的1天,妈妈的工厂说要去东平玩。还说可以带家属,我非常高兴。 第2天早上6:00,妈妈就把我塞进了他公司来接我们的大巴里,向东平出发。
作文如下。This summer vacation, my family and I went to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province. We went to the zoo to see the giant pandas and eat hot pot. Looking at the high-rise buildings in Chengdu, I think I like the city very much and will come here next time.这个暑假我和家人去了成都游玩,成都是4川省的省会城市。我们1起去了动物园看了大熊猫,还去吃了火锅。看着成都的高楼大厦,我觉得我是很喜欢这座城市的,下次还会到这里玩。
One day, I finished my homework, and painting.This picture is the theme of " space tourism ", content is a team of space tourism experts in a spaceship into space. Travel home in space to watch the stars, they fly away from the earth, in space to see the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus, planet. Finally saw some unknown various star. Travel home in the sigh of space is fantastic.They watch attentively, forget to return the earth time. The ship 's fuel is not much, running out of fuel, the ship sounded the alarm, the pilot will inform the travel experts to fasten your seatbelts, ready, the spacecraft to rapidly into the earth, and the ship is like an arrow to the earth. When the fuel reaches the earth just five percent. That was close. Finally returned to the earth safely.I painted too much, though he also into space. When I grow up, must go to space to see for yourself.有1天,我做完作业,就画起画来。这张画的主题是《太空旅游》,内容是1队太空旅游家们坐着宇宙飞船来到了太空。旅游家们在太空观看1个个星球,他们飞离了地球,在太空看到了月球,火星,木星,土星,金星,天王星,海王星等行星。最后还看到了1些不知名的各种各样的星球。旅游家们在感叹着太空太神奇了。他们看的入神了,忘记了返回地球的时间。飞船的燃料不多了,燃料快用完时,飞船响起了警报,飞行员马上通知旅游家们赶快系好安全带,作好准备,飞船要急速冲向地球,然后飞船就象离弦的箭1样向地球驶去。到达地球时燃料只剩百分之5了。好险呢!总算安全返回地球了。我画的太投入了,仿佛自己也到了太空1样。等我长大了1定要亲自去太空看1看。
We went to ijnang last week, It very intersting .At first . we went to the rivei and fishing.we were very happy , because we fish a big fish. that's all the news l have for now nom and dad sand they are love .。
难忘的旅行英语作文1:1次难忘的旅行 i went chong qing in july 22.it is a city which was built near mountains. so people call it mountain city. in chong qing,i went to the red stone center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. it is a terrible and awful trip. there are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. and most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. they lived in very small houses. no good food to eat, no good water to ***.they had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing. i think they are the heros in that century. i will follow their spirit. 难忘的旅行英语作文2:我的难忘的旅行 last summer i went to vietnam with my parents. we stayed at a small village outside saigon. the air and water was very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. though it’s a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. they live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field during the day. they don’t have tvs or internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. it was a very memorable trip that i will never forget. 难忘的旅行英语作文3:我难忘的旅行 when i was a primary school student, my family and i took a trip to five cities which were in the south of china. first, we came to nanjing by plane. that was the first time i had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. we arrived in nanjing in the morning. at 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. the food tasted delicious. in the afternoon we went to “zhongshanling”. it was the place that preserve the tomb of mr. sugshan. the next day, we came to wuxi and then suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. it was a beautiful and old place. the house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank. the fourth day, we came to hangzhou where we visited “the west lake. it was very beautiful and the water was clear . as we all know, hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”. the last place that we visited was shanghai. it was one of the biggest city is china. the night view in shanghai was more beautiful than beijing. we visited the tv tower of “东方明珠”. it was the third tallest tower in the world. standing in the tower you could see the whole city. in the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. i was very excited that evening. this trip took us seven days and we went back to beijing by plane. the plane was very very big. there were three engine rooms. i felt happy and i would never forget the trip. 难忘的旅行英语作文4:an unforgettable travel making a trip to shanghai on may 18 was an experience which i will never forget. i arrived in shanghai at about 2 o'clock,and immediately took a no.5 bus to the sea ***.the beautiful blue sea was so large that i couldn't see the other side of ***.after getting off the bus,i went straight to the ***.taking off my shoes,i put my feet into the ***.the water was cool,and walking in the water was such a great joy that i didn't want to ***.then i collected ***.when it got dark,i sat on the shore,watching the ***.the night scene was simply marvelous! finally i had to go ***.it was an unforgettable day in my life. 难忘的旅行英语作文5:1次难忘的旅行 i went chong qing in july 22.it is a city which was built near mountains. so people call it mountain city. in chong qing,i went to the red stone center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. it is a terrible and awful trip. there are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. and most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. they lived in very small houses. no good food to eat, no good water to ***.they had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing. i think they are the heros in that century. i will follow their spirit.。
如下:I went to Beijing on my holidays.我假期去了北京。I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. 我去过北京8次以上。北京是中国的首都。这是1个大城市。我对北京很熟悉。从南通乘飞机到北京需要1小时4十分钟。北京有许多高楼。这是1座现代化的城市。My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. 我的家人参观了长城、颐和园、故宫博物院、北海公园、太空馆等。我去了北京的农村划船和钓鱼。非常有趣。